What Are The Best Ear Plugs To Prevent Swimmer's Ear?

What Are The Best Ear Plugs To Prevent Swimmer's Ear?

What Are The Best Ear Plugs To Prevent Swimmer's Ear?

People who swim on a regular basis will probably be keen to find out what they can do to prevent swimmers' ear. This is a common problem affecting many people who swim on a regular basis. Whether they are exercising in the local pool, sea or in their own private pool they will be at risk from swimmers' ear caused by the fact of them repeatedly wetting their ears. This is compounded by the presence of chlorine and other chemicals in the water.

A simple way of preventing swimmers' ear is to wear a reliable pair of swimming earplugs whenever you go swimming. ZenPlugs molded swimming earplugs are just the ticket because they are waterproof, non-porous and antibacterial so have several mechanisms through which they defend the ears against infection.

As they are made from a kit they cost significantly less than having your moulded earplugs manufactured by the audiologist. Taking only a few minutes to make at home using a cup of hot water they are also less time-consuming than two or three visits to your local audiology clinic.

ZenPlugs are connected on a lanyard so they are convenient for swimming and are easy to find if you drop them on the floor as they are brightly coloured and joined on the string.

ZenPlugs were recently recommended by RebatesZone as an ideal father's day gift.  RebatesZone is a great resource for anybody looking for a bargain. Amazingly they have literally millions of vouchers for online stores which save their visitors almost a million dollars a year. We were particularly impressed by their Father's Day post on recommended gifts which suggests all sorts of ideas for dads, in case you are a bit stuck for ideas this year. 

Once you have swimmers' ear you may find the only way for it to settle down is to keep out of the water until it is significantly better. You will also need to visit your doctor for advice and consideration of treatment with antibiotic drops containing a powerful antibiotic for example, gentamicin. Your doctor will also give you advice on how to prevent the condition.

It is also advisable to rinse the ears with water or a surgical alcohol preparation in order to wash away germs and irritants from the ears and protect them.

ZenPlugs Molded Ear Plugs

ZenPlugs Molded Ear Plugs are comfortable and effective.  Ideal for sleeping, snoring, swimming, surfing and any whenever you need a reliable pair of antibacterial ear plugs.

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