Why Do My Earphones Hurt And Fall Out When I Am Running?

Why Do My Earphones Hurt And Fall Out When I Am Running?

Why Do My Earphones Hurt And Fall Out When I Am Running?

Current MP3 player earphones are often round in cross section, as well as rather large. This means that they often do not fit comfortably in the oval opening of most peoples' ear canals.  There is a huge variety in the shape and diameter of customers' ear canals. This means manufacturers have great difficulty in making one-size-fits-all earphones.  Nobody knows the dimensions of their own ear canals in the way that they know their shoe size. This means it is not possible to buy off-the shelf earplugs which are fitted to you.  This, coupled with sweat lubricating the earbud during exercise tends to make earphones slip out.  A heavy iPod or MP3 player in your pocket tugging on the cord doesn't help either.

Our molded earphone kit is the ideal solution. They are molded to your ears at home in a few minutes making them super-comfortable and sound amazing.

The discomfort is due to the poor fit of the earphones. The fact that their pressure is exerted over a very small area also contributes. This is dictated by the acutely curved edges of the bud.  So what's the solution?  Molded earphones solve these problems, as well as improving sound quality. They do this by reducing sound leakage. This boosts bass and midrange sounds as these are higher energy waves which tend to escape around a loose-fitting earphone.  There are two further useful side effects of this reduced leakage. Firstly people nearby don't get disturbed by the noise escaping from your earphones. Secondly because less sound escapes you can play your music at lower volume, saving your precious battery life.

Unfortunately having molded earphones made by an audiologist can be expensive. It doesn't always give the results you would hope for the price.  Instead you can buy some great molded earphone kits which enable you to make your own at home for a fraction of the price of going to an audiologist. These are often also antibacterial, helping to prevent you getting ear infections if you use your earphones a lot.  Frequent exercise with earbuds in can result in sweat-logged ear canals. This can dissolve the waxy layer and soften the skin lining the ear canal, allowing bacteria and fungi to penetrate and cause ear infections.  These often start as mild itching and irritation; this is the stage at which you need to seek treatment.  Without antibiotic drops the problem can progress to otitis externa, also known as swimmers' ear.  Buying yourself a molded earphone kit containing an antibacterial. This will prevent this from happening.