How Should I Choose Ear Plugs For Sleeping?

How Should I Choose Ear Plugs For Sleeping?

How Should I Choose Ear Plugs For Sleeping?

Choosing ear plugs can be difficult because there are so many varieties to choose from, so which are best for sleeping?  It is important to get it right. Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to insomnia, depression, anxiety. Under-performance at work and relationship and marital difficulties may follow.

Wax and soft silicon aren't ideal because they trap hair and harbour germs, becoming hard and stained with use.  Foam expands in the ear canal. This causes discomfort by pressing on the delicate skin lining the ear canal and gradually working their way out of your ears.  They tend to fall out in the middle of the night, exposing you to the noise and waking you up.  After a few uses they can become abrasive and dirty, more likely to cause itching, irritation and discomfort.

So What To Do?

Buy some molded ear plugs!  ZenPlugs from ZenPlugs are ideal because they last for years and cost far less than having your ears molded by an audiologist.  They are antibacterial making them hygienic with prolonged and repeated use.  They are non-porous and wipe-clean.  They even contain an effective antibacterial compound. It is proven to kill all the bacteria which cause ear infections. Enjoy years of peaceful sleep and healthy ears with ZenPlugs Molded Ear Plugs.