Features Of Molded Ear Plugs

Features Of Molded Ear Plugs

Features Of Molded Ear Plugs

Molded earplugs are widely hailed as the most superior type of ear plug available. There are several reasons for this.

  • Durability. The materials used to make the plugs are far more durable than the materials used to make other varieties of ear plugs. The thermoplastic used by ZenPlugs makes ear plugs which last for years. Foam, wax and silicon varieties don't last as long.  This is for two reasons.  Firstly they become dirty and contaminated and so increase the risk of infection if not replaced.  The second reason is failure of the material.  This may split, crack or break apart.
  • Comfort. Because they are individually molded to the ears they are sublimely comfortable.  The shaping of the plugs means they don't exert pressure on the ears, unlike foam types.  These expand outwards and so can hurt the ears.
  • Stay in your ears. They fit like the proverbial lock and key so won't fall out easily if you run or jump.  Conversely foam plugs push themselves out as they expand.  This is a particular nuisance if you need them to sleep.
  • Excellent sound exclusion. Very effective at keeping noise and snoring out of your ears, aiding rest and play.  ZenPlugs are designed especially to be comfortable during sleep when lying on your side.  This is because they don't protrude from the ear canals.
  • Waterproof. The materials used are waterproof, making the plugs ideal for use in water to prevent surfers ear and swimmers ear.  ZenPlugs have a unique double-action against swimmer's ear.  They block water and kill germs.
  • Antibacterial. ZenPlugs are antibacterial, unlike most other varieties of ear plug. This means they will kill all the germs which could lead to an ear infection.
  • Connect on a cord. Unlike soft silicon and wax ear plugs, molded ear plugs can be connected on a cord.
  • Variety of colours. Also unlike many other varieties, this type is available in a range of colours.  This makes them easier to find when you lose them on the carpet.
ZenPlugs Molded Ear Plugs
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